If I had to pick a person in my like to be a hero of mine then it would be my Granddad. I would choose my Granddad because he fought in the army for a while and he turned out great. He is still a kind, successful, fun, and positive leader in my eyes. You could be wondering why it titled it the way I did, but I am comparing my hero to the heroes in Th Lion King. Just like my Granddad, Mufasa is a brave, fearless, confident clever leader, when he has to go save Simba from being trampled. Also like Simba, in the Lion King, my granddad is big-hearted, reliable, and honest person to the people who are close to him. He is there for the people in our family, he always will speak his mind, and he is always loving to family and friends. My hero not be the one yo see in comic and movies, but he is still a hero in my life and I sure you have a hero, too.
Great Gifts For This Season
Hello Everyone, I am Cheriden I love shopping for gifts and receiving gifts and presents for the holiday of Christmas. I know that it is the thought that counts, but I am pretty sure everyone wants a MODERN present. Not the kind of presents that when you open them your parents would say,” I would get these when I was your age.” From hearing that so many times in my life I kind of get tired of it, so I am giving out some really good ideas of gifts to suggest to your parents or gifts that you could give to loved ones. Gifts for people young and older.
One of the best gifts I have found that you could get For Her are cloths, girls love are clothes…only if you are taking the expensive route:) Most Girls shop at Aeropostale, Abercrombie & Fitch, Forever 21, Pink, H&M’s, Lulu’s,and Nike and Old Navy would work for everyone and anything. Shoes are found at good prices at Shoe Carnival, Nike, Adidas, Famous Footwear, Solestruck, ZOOSHOE, and some good brands are UGG’s, Converse, and Kirkland Boots( at Costco). Some other things some girls are fond of like, chocolate,make up, scented lotions(Why though, I really don’t get it?), extra storage space, a cross body bag, a squishy/stress ball, scarfs, earrings, socks, nail polish, bath bombs, mugs, cute pillows, hair accessories, journals, a new phone case, jewelry, or even something to keep warm like pajamas.
One of the best gifts I have found that you could get For Him (Boys correct me if I am wrong, but what can I say I am not a boy) are Sporty Gear, most boys are not always into being fashionable, but they at least care a little bit. Most times they are wearing sport gear, and they shop at places such as Target, Amazon, H&M, Old Navy,Vineyard Vines, Burlington, Aeropostale, Nike, Dick’s Sporting Goods, and good brands are Under Armour and Adidas. Some of the shoes boy I see usually wearing are Nike, YEEZY’S, Adidas, Converse, Sketchers, New Balance, and Vans. Some other things boys might like are, graphic T’s, backpacks, hats, jackets, play stations(Xbox, Nintendo, Play Station), HIGH socks(For the life of me I can never understand why they want to pull their socks up so high), Bluetooth speaker, fidget spinners, Watches, phone cases, or a drone.
Which of some of these items might you put on your Christmas List?
Accomplishments of My 20% Project
We have not accomplished much in the past couple weeks. So I’m am a little disappointed about that, I think we would not be as behind if our mentor would have responded a little sooner, but we also should have sent it sooner. That way if she did not respond for another week or so we would be able to say we at least sent it. When we did get our response from her we had to contact the principal and ask if it is okay for us to come over. We did that and she said yes. Now all me and our group have to do is come up with a plan lesson, and go over.
What we have to do for our December goals are get the games and snacks together so we will start to go in the month of January. We will get together and combine the games with the lessons and test them to make sure they make sense.
My Favorite Holidays
Hello, its Cheriden here and since Christmas is coming up I want to talk about some of MY personal favorite holidays of the year. My favorite holidays are Thanksgiving and of course Christmas, and I want to tell you why I love them so much.These are two holidays that I am sure everyone has some form of this holiday that they celebrate with family.
One thing I love about Thanksgiving is the wonderful food. There is mashed potato’s with gravy, vegetables, fruits, pies, puddings, cakes, fried chicken, cranberry sauce, rolls, salads, ham, and much more. As you can see I did not mention turkey, you probably thing I am crazy for forgetting the most popular dish of this holiday, but the thing is I absolutely despise TURKEY!!! I will just stick with ham. The second thing I love about Thanksgiving is that it is the time of giving THANKS! I mean it is in the name, THANKSgiving(Duh). Also I love to have a great time with Family and close friends. Lastly I like to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade on TV and eat the leftovers of the feast.
I love Christmas so much for varies reasons. One thing I really love about Christmas is Christmas Spirit. Around Christmas time people seem to be more kind and loving to one another. Much like Thanksgiving, around Christmas is when family gets to come over and stay before Christmas and when we do some really good baking. My grandparents come over and stay overnight until Christmas, and we would make cakes, cookies, gingerbread things, etc. I also like to decorate the tree and our front lawn with bright lights and light shows. The tree is decorated with ornaments, lights, candy cane, and a bright star on the top. Lastly I LOVE getting gifts from loved ones, even if that is not the reason for the season.
Here are some Cool Christmas decoration Ideas
Here are some cool Thanksgiving dessert Ideas
More About My 20% Time Project
Hello, I am going to tell you more about my 20% time project at school. If you read my free choice blog(Click Here to Read It) you would know that my group and I are going to teach 2nd graders math, but to keep there attention we will use snacks and play games with them.
So there are so many emotions mixed into our project, but the three main ones are; Joyful, Nervous , and a bit Overwhelmed. I will start with Joyful, I am exited that we get to go to my group and my old school and work with younger kids. Younger kids are kind of funny and innocent at the same time. Then I am also a little Nervous because I have never been a really big fan of speaking in front of others, I am not terrible at it but it is not really my cup of tea. I know we will probably just be speaking to the kids and the teacher, but they are still people and they will judge you(mostly the kids) and glare at you. Lastly I am feeling a little Overwhelmed because of all the extra work and effort we must cram into our daily schedule. We will have to leave school early so we can walk over to the school we will teach at, and we will have a good amount of make up work to do. That is also why we have decided to go and teach once or twice a week.
Now for the month of November we do have some goals we have to accomplish, but not a lot. By the way most of our goals have something to with our mentor. Our main goal was to get a response from our mentor. We already sent it to her, but she has just responded and took the offer of being our mentor. Secondly we have to actually talk to her over the phone. We have an outline of what we are going to say we just have to read off of it and be ready for any questions. Lastly we are going to meet with our mentor(go to the school) and see what kinds of things they are working on this age. We are going to pick the day we have the least homework and try to head over. Those are our main goal for the month.
Check out my aide for more information.
My School Timetable
This is not my Image. Find it here.
Hey guys I’m back! I am going to be talking all about my daily school life. Yeah that might seem kinda boring, but my schedule is interesting.I go to Gray Middle School, school starts at 7:30 a.m, or at least that is when they let us in the building. Then we sit in the gym for about 10-15 minutes, and then school really starts. We go to homeroom and we do Rosetta Stone for about 10 minutes. Then we leave to start our day with 1st period. Everyone’s schedule is different, I have Social Studies for first period. 2nd period is Science, 3rd period is Math( I am in regular ), 4th is E.L.A, and 5th is P.B.L.(My homeroom) Then we have lunch, and then advisory, which is like a break were we can just work on homework or unfinished work. Lastly we have U.A 1 and U.A 2, everyone’s is different and changes every term. Unless you have both Choir and Band you have those all year, which I do. After all that we get out of school at 2:35
This is not my Image. Find it here.
So our school year as a middle schooler is 11 months, August through a little bit of June. Back to the last two classes of the day. If you don’t have both choir and band you will switch between different classes every term(there are 4 terms). I don’t know all the classes you will switch from but there is Gym, Art, History of Art, Technology, Spanish, Music Appreciation, Drama, and most likely more. Another one of the really cool things about my school is the Charities/Fundraisers. We will have competitions, races( 5.k race), sell spirit wear, and dances, etc. I really like my school and I think it is very UNIQUE.
Here are 2 links that are related to my school:
My Cliffhanger Story
Activity 3 The Heavens Open
Once there was a girl named Summer. She has long brown hair, and has the prettiest blue eyes. Summer has been living in Illinois with her grandparents for about a month, after her parents went on a hiking trip in a forest and never came back. All that was found was her mother’s journal, but not a pen. Everyone in town thought it was just an animal attack. Summer knew that was not what had happened, and she has been determined to find out what REALLY happened. Unfortunately she is no longer aloud in the forest because danger issues. One night she savagely ventures out into the forest, she cautiously passes the DO NOT ENTER sign. She goes deeper and deeper into the dark forest with only a backpack with a notebook, flashlight, and a weapon…..About 45 minutes later Summer is exhausted and is having second thoughts about everything.*Snap* Summer whips around so fast her neck popped. She fumbles to get her flashlight on, but when she turns it on she finds nothing around her but miles of trees. Then she turns around and starts to walk again, but in the distance she sees a bright ray of sunlight. At first Summer thought she was desperate and delusional, but as she came closer to the light she realized it was a staircase with natural railings and walls. She REALLY thought she was crazy, and then she saw that when she turned around the forest was separated from light to dark! As she walked up the steps, she stepped on something hard, she looked down to see it was her mothers favorite pen! Summer picked it up and it was real, so she was not crazy. Then she continued up the stairs and into the light…..
What do you think happened next?
Activity 4
My Sentence Made of Images
My Citations:
My 20% Project (Free Choice Week)
What is 20% Time
Hey guys! I’m back this week with a blog topic of my choice. As you can see from the title I have picked my 20% project. Now some of you are probably wondering, what in the world is a 20% project. Well a 20% project is something you take 20% of your time on to do something related to your passion in some way, and some how helping/making a good impact on something or someones life. It has to be some type of learning, and you have to record you ideas and planning schedule with your group members( If you have any). You get to work in groups all year on your project. It has been a requirement for us so far, and there will be times you have to share you ideas with others, or do speeches/pitches about it. If you have no clue what I am talking about then go to some of these websites or watch this little video.
More Links: Link 1
This video is not owned by me
About MY Project
Commenting Challenge
This is a comment I made on Hunter’s Blog
Dear Hunter,
when you put it like this cheerleading seems very cool, and it looks very fun and energetic with all the tumbling, stunting, and dance. I am soon joining cheer when I learn a little more of the tumbling part. I think I would like to be a flyer at some point, being “thrown around” sounds like the best part. I wonder what specific kinds of tumbling skills do you acquire at cheer.
I choose to comment of her blog because we are really good friends. Most importantly is that we are both interested in cheer. I can relate to Hunter because I know that if you get really good at a sport you become very passionate about it. I am willing to try new sports, such as cheer, so I can find that one sport right for me. The reason I left the comment I left was because I wanted her to know that her sport seems very unique and fun, and that I thought it was so interesting myself that I am joining. Since I don’t know everything about cheer I left off with a question asking about the skills they work on. That’s my comment.
My Halloween Poem
Activity 1
If you did not know, in class we were talking and learning about citations. A citation is a way of giving credit to the author or websites who’s work you copied and put in your work. We talked about having to cite books, magazines, newspapers, and web sites or other online resources that you take information/pictures from. It is very important to cite your sources or people will think that the ideas you got from someone else are yours. You can cite your source by giving the author, the URL, or simply the website you got the information from.
Activity 2
Halloween Snacks

Candy sitting on a table
Four different kinds
They look so good, to good to eat
Both shapes are very unique
I could quickly finish these off in a matter of seconds
The pumpkins candies are perfect for the season
The yellow, orange and white are so original
The orange,blue, and white remind me of a sunset
The brown candies look as if the are Reese’s flavored
Piles of yummy candy for a Halloween treat